Weight Loss

Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weighting...I mean Waiting...

Still stuck around 225lbs...
Waiting sucks... On the bright side my work clothes and jeans seem slightly looser, I'm measuring and not losing inches so I'm not sure how that's possible. But it's something to be excited about. My Appt with my surgeon is August 10th for my one month (really 6 weeks) follow up. I have added some vegtables and hard boiled eggs to my diet. Basically because hard boiled eggs are alot easier to pack and carry as snacks then scrambled.

I know that this surgery is a TOOL but in my head I feel like I should still be losing alot faster. Because of my semi-low BMI (40) to start I can't expect it to come off like it would have it I went with the RNY. I do NOT regret my surgery in the least. I love my sleeve and I'm in love with the future when I'll start losing again...can't wait...wish it was here...lol

I have found that accordingtoeggface blog is awesome for receipes and how to turn just about any food into a bariatric friendly food. Love it I tried the Greek Deviled Eggs for lunch today and they are great! So yummy!

Here's hoping everyone else is losing like crazy and to pass me some good vibes to get me started again!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Long time no blog...

So here's the deal I'm frustrated I somehow gained 3lbs I'm not going to lie there was like 3 days in there where I had a non-listed snack but honestly its not like I ate a whole box of cookies or an entire bag of chips I just have been craving carbs and like 5 pretzals kills that craving for me but other than the very very occasional indulgence ive been a good girl!!! So why have I gained 3lbs!?!?! I've read the forum on gastricsleeve.com people say you stahl and gained weight is from retaining water because I'm not putting enough in so my goal is to focus more on my water intake starting today I swear I will drink all 64oz of my water daily!!! If I gain anymore weight I think I'm going to cry! I had this surgery to get rid of this kind of frustration but its not over I'll keep on trucking!

Friday, July 8, 2011

11days out feeling pretty good

First day back at work feeling pretty good. I only stayed a half day came home and took a nap lol! But still wasn't feeling too worn out. The pain in my belly has become more of an ache. Still having some issues with my bowels.... But I can deal people say it doesn't last forever. I'm down 20lbs since pre op diet. Which is pretty awesome 20lbs in 3 weeks is the most I've ever lost ever! I'm looking forward to eventually working out which is a first but for now I've been told I just get to walk till next month. I did try some Kroeger (Bakers brand) carbmaster yogurt they have a carrot cake flavor that is oh so yummy! Unfortunatly I can only eat half so there is only 4.5 gms of protein thetr but eventually I should be able to work up to eating a little more yogurt for goodness sakes! Just not eating other things that are bad things!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Misery....post op day 6

Ever done something that you thought was a really great idea only to be miserable with your decision later... Today I feel nothing but regret, I can't stop stop thinking how I made such a bad choice I'm sure like everything else it will pass once the pain, less than normal bm.s andall liquid diet passes but today I'm in mourning over my stomach. I thought being a week out from surgery I would start to feel like my old self again maybe even have a little energy, how wrong I was I don't even have a desire to drink liquids muchless my protein I should be attempting to get down... I simply want to lay in bed and cry so today is officially my pity party day, thos is for everyone that thought I couldn't do this congradulations I have a feeling that you were right. So I'm off to bed to wallow in self doubt over if this was really a good idea or not and then cry when I realize it doesnt matter because I'm stuck with it.....

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Post Op Day 3

Three days after the surgery and I still don't really feel like it's real... My Post op Diet is exactly the same as my Pre op 10 day day so nothing much has changed there. With the exception that I can no longer "chug" some of the nastier tasting protein drinks in order to just get them down. But I knew that going in and all I've done is sip sip sip. Which scares me a little because I don't know how I'm going to get in 80gm of Protein and 48oz of water when all I can do is sip. I might have to make one of those helmets with two water bottles so i can just sip all day hands free while I'm at work.

Some challenges... Turns out Carnation Instant Breakfast No Sugar Added is a little to rich for my tummy right now and it pretty much is in and out within a half hour. Which sucks because I actually liked the taste of that one. I did order some Syntrax Strawberry Mousse that will hopefully be delivered by tomorrow or Saturday so I will have something to drink that I can actually sip without making a face.

Tomato soup has been good but I would be lying if I said it wasn't getting a little old. I can't wait to move onto the next phase of the diet which should be next Wednesday when I have my first post op appt with my surgeon.

My Mom came down to take care of me and my dog after the surgery since he's kinda big (95lbs) and isn't always the best listener. It's weird to have her eat in front of me and not really care about what she is eating I'm not saying that it doesn't look or smell good but I have yet to have my stomach growl at me which is really weird considering what I have been eating for the last 4 days. Which is pretty much nothing at all I'm trying hard to get the protein in, but it's really really hard.

Other than wishing that I could just chew on something today I feel no real hunger, my stomach is sore but not where the incisions are it's on the inside I've taken some gas x baby drops because I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest and walked walked walked.

I can't wait till my manta is chew chew chew!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Here goes everything....

So the surgery is tomorrow...Why is it I suddenly find myself scared, nervous and very worried. I don't know where this came from maybe it's the 10 days with no real feeling of fullness in my belly maybe it's the emotionally letting go of food. But right now at this moment I wish I had a few more days. I know everything will be fine and I'm over reacting and blah blah blah. Trust me I keep telling myself these things over and over. Then why still this feeling like I'm about to jump off a cliff and all I can do is stare down...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6 days on pre op diet and peoples comments

6days down on pre op diet still hungry but dealing with it alot better.... Today was rough I feel once again that people around me think I'm cheating at weight loss I know I know I say I don't what people think about my so called cheating or using surgery as a cure all. I want any one reading this blog to know it doesn't cure you of anything if anything it gives you a TOOL and like any other tool if you don't use it properly its not going to work I will still have to do portion control and exercise I just have a awesome tool to help me out when I fall short of doing something on my own. If anything I have spent a shit ton of time in a hospital with my lapband and everything that went wrong with that if I wasn't serious about losing weight do you really think I would go under the knife again! There are people that choose the surgery for the "easy way out" just like any other diet but these are the ones that fail and gain the weight back. Then there are the people like me that want this surgery to help make healthy life long changes so she can enjoy life and not just be a spectator to life. I'm regretting telling people about my surgery a little just because I'm tired of hearing people try and talk you out of it or taunt you about what food you won't get to eat in the future! Trust me if this was some kind of competition I would win in the most unhealthy but tasty food eaten category. I know what I'm getting into I know what I'm giving up but I'm hoping to gain so much more so quit telling me that I'm not going to be happy afterwards cause I am. I'm going to be happy & healthy, and there is nothing you can do to stop me so get over it! That is all. :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

3 Days on Pre-op Diet

So three days on a full liquid diet pretty much gives me a new respect for solid foods I think typing on my phones key board has also given my to respect full size key boards.... I was hoping that going through this liquid diet for the second time might be easier All I can say is that it is not i've already given in to eating the salt off pretzals and given the pretzals to my dog! On the up side that I can have low fat brocholli and cheese souphas been a save I herb it up and its almost like real food! I know it'll all be worth it in the end but I wish the end would get here sooner!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Co-workers. The good, the bad and the well not so pretty...

   I work with a pretty close group of people. I invited all of them to "My Last Supper" this Thursday, of course I hadn't told some of them about the surgery so the Last Supper invite brought up some questions... First one was "What surgery are you having?" easy enough to answer right? The only way I could explain it was that they are cutting out most of my stomach to help with weight loss. I heard lots of "your not that big" "you could exercise with me" "we can go on a diet together" and even some humorous emails about how women with curves are beautiful. I have to admit the comments about how "your not that big" are annoying and nice all at the same time. I mean what girl doesn't like hearing that she's not fat! BUT I know how big I am and I know that I'm Morbidly Obese. I know I'm a big girl and I've come to terms with this I wish others would.

   Now for the other comments I want to say "do you think I haven't tried that?" It's not like surgery was the first thing I jumped to when my Atkins diet didn't work or I wasn't losing when I was working out. I have a few friends that have told me that they are jealous as hell, to them I let them know that maybe they should explore their options because I have known them long enough to know that they have struggled with their weight for a long time and they have also tried nearly everything. I don't think that surgery is the answer for everyone but it is something that people should know about and not be ashamed about! I'm happy that I'm making this decision I want to be healthy I won't lie I will like weighing less and having a smaller size cloths but mostly I will like that I can walk up stairs without getting winded or be able to fit my but into seats without trying to wedge it in there, and being scared I'm going to break something when I sit on it! For all the food I'm giving up I'm gaining years in life and a more active life at that!

So The Cliff Notes to this post: Don't give a sh*t what other people say, Keep your friends who want to support you close, Be proud of the decisions you have made and Regret Nothing!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pre-op Cleaning out my Kitchen

So something I didn't think about when I was counting down the days to my surgery is how much non-post op food is still sitting in my kitchen. There was ALOT so last night around 2200 I thought I should clean out the cupboards at least. I have sooo much food that I'm not going to be able to eat in another 4 days! So when you are looking to cleanse your kitchen here are my ideas and what I have done with all that non-friendly food.
*Donated my non-perishables to the food bank.
*Donated my chocolate/snack food and stuff to the break room at work.
*Gave any food that I thought my brother would eat to his kitchen.
*I'm also guilty of tossing some stuff but it was mostly expired and condiments in my defense.

I think it's important to get rid of all these temptations because when I start my pre-op diet in 4 days I don't want to get myself in trouble by just having these things in the house. I know from experience that the first few days of the pre-op diet are rough.

So today I stocked my kitchen with all the things I CAN have on my pre-op diet here was my grocery list
1% Milk
Non-fat No-Sugar Pudding (vanilla, chocolate, butterscotch, cheesecake, banana)
Sugar Free Jello (strawberry, cherry, lime, lemon)
Protein Shake Powder (vanilla, chocolate, cookies and cream)
PB2 (powdered peanut putter)
Chicken Broth Cubes
Reduced Fat Broccoli and Cheese soup (this will have to be thinned post op)
Apple Juice (to be diluted)
and a Brand new magic bullet like blender mine is GE got it from Walmart for $20
Two Shaker cups

Also bought a new Diet/Exercise journal to start on Friday (Day 1 of pre-op diet)

Getting excited 14 Days left till I say goodbye to most of my stomach....

This Girl

Who has two thumbs and doesn't give a sh*t if people says she's "cheating"???? THIS GIRL!

So here it goes I've been dealing with this extra weight since I was in high school...so high school was fun! After that it was community college and I started taking Phenteramine for around 3 years I lost 50lbs and had some of the greatest years of my life, I was never hungry and always had energy to stay up and party all night and still go to class or work in the morning. Little did I know that once I left for University and stopped taking the meds I would gain it all back and more...suck.

In 2006, I went to the Pirate movie with my dad where he asked me if I had ever thought about weight loss surgery.. I was a little offended at first to be honest but hey it's my dad and he loves me so I thought I'll look into it...

March 2009 After trying over and over to get approved for WLS through my insurance and jumping through all the pre approval hoops. I was approved for Lap-Band Surgery I was soooo excited I started crying when the nurse called and said I was approved.

August 2009 I was sick....very sick throwing up anything I ate. But I kept down fluids...

December 2009 I was very very sick...nothing was staying down not even water...
went to ER had to have surgery that night to get the band removed it had flipped stayed in the hospital overnight. Total weight loss 60lbs

Early 2010: slowly gaining it all back....despite efforts to eat and exercise gaining gaining gaining

August 2010 Pain in abdomen horrible pain go to ER again, turns out I have Gall Bladder stones, stuck in hospital 2 days...no more alcohol or fatty foods till the gall bladder comes out

October 2010 Gall Bladder surgery *bye bye gall bladder*
Ended up in Hospital with pancreatitis...fail

Feb 2011 Approved for Gastric Sleeve

And so the journey begins again...............